Delivery arrangement:  

How long does it take to receive the goods after placing the order? 

After the customer places an order, the company will2Contact customers by phone or SMS within working days (Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays are not counted as working days). After the customer confirms that the order is correct, the order will be officially confirmed and the goods will be produced.  

All mattresses are not available in stock, and the products will be counted after the company successfully calls to confirm the order or SMS to confirm the order.14to21Delivery within three working days (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays are not counted as working days); the delivery period of Australian-made and imported mattresses is determined by2to3It varies from month to month, depending on size and source of goods. 

Delivery area and schedule? 

Delivery date is Tuesday to Sunday morning10Hour to afternoon6Time (no time period for selection). 

Remote areas: 

Saigon, Clear Water Bay: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 

Tung Chung, Discovery Bay, Ma Wan: Wednesday, Friday 

Stanley: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 

Additional fee: 

How to charge additional fees? 

All surcharges will be collected in cash by the driver at the time of delivery and will not be charged at the time of online payment. 

Under what circumstances will a surcharge be charged? 

Extra charges for remote areas 

Discovery Bay:$170  

Staircase fee: 

head5Fees for up and down stairs (6Starting from stairs1Floor): 

Mattress size is48"/122 cm/4Feet or below:$50   

Mattress size is54"/137 cm/4One-and-a-half feet or more:$90 

Fees for going up the stairs from the 6th floor: 

Mattress size is48"/122 cm/4Feet or below:$100 

Mattress size is54"/137 cm/4One-and-a-half feet or more:$180(If you cannot enter the elevator/stairs, the delivery will only be downstairs) 

Fees for stairs on the bed frame (excluding stairs fees): 

The size of any bed frame per floor:$100 

Demolition of the bed frame (service is only available to customers who purchase the bed frame): 

Mother and son bed frame/Cabinet bucket bed frame: $300.00  

Oil pressure/Bunk bed frame: $500.00  

wardrobe/Overhead combination bed frame: $800.00 

Disposal of old mattresses (excluding stairs up and down): 

48"/122 cm/4Feet or below:$150 

54"/137 cm/4One-and-a-half feet or more:$200 

Village entrance fee (only for village houses): 

head50M free, every subsequent50Meter $50 

Hanging mattress fee: 

First floor$ 300,Second floor $450,the third floor $600